May 18, 2012

Review: Extras

By: Scott Westerfeld
Published: October 2007 by Simon Pulse
Format: Paperback, 414 pages
First Reviewed: February 2011
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The dramatic conclusion to the Uglies Series.

It's a few years after rebel Tally Youngblood took down the uglies/pretties/specials regime. Without those strict roles and rules, the world is in a complete cultural renaissance. "Tech-heads" flaunt their latest gadgets, "kickers" spread gossip and trends, and "surge monkeys" are hooked on extreme plastic surgery. And it's all monitored on a bazillion different cameras. The world is like a gigantic game of American Idol. Whoever is getting the most buzz gets the most votes. Popularity rules.

As if being fifteen doesn't suck enough, Aya Fuse's rank of 451,369 is so low, she's a total nobody. An extra. But Aya doesn't care; she just wants to lie low with her drone, Moggle. And maybe kick a good story for herself.

Then Aya meets a clique of girls who pull crazy tricks, yet are deeply secretive of it. Aya wants desperately to kick their story, to show everyone how intensely cool the Sly Girls are. But doing so would propel her out of extra-land and into the world of fame, celebrity...and extreme danger. A world she's not prepared for.

Rating: 1/5

Okay, everyone told me I shouldn't have bothered with this one, but I'm too OCD not to finish a series if I have it (I got the set for Christmas). So I had to read it.

Simply: I didn't care for it. I literally pushed myself through it as fast as I could. It just wasn't for me. The only thing I liked about this book compared to the others is that the beginning was stronger than the others had been. But other than that, I felt it just fell flat.

I didn't like any of the characters, to be honest. I never connected with them or cared what happened to them. Also, it always bothers me when a series all of a sudden changes lead characters, especially in the last book. The originals made an appearance, but it just wasn't the same.

Same with the storyline. I just didn't care for it. I was honestly bored throughout. I didn't care what happened and I kept looking at the page numbers and clock to see when I was going to finish. This book just wasn't for me.

I'm with everyone else. Extras isn't really worth the read. You can try it if you want because I know there are some people who liked it, but the first three are much better. Overall, not impressed.

I recommend the first three, but not this one really. You can try it, though, and see for yourself if you like it.

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